A certified company with an extensive experience


 L’organizzazione del lavoro in EDILDOVI è tesa alla valorizzazione di professionalità e competenze al fine di orientare i risultati verso gli alti obiettivi e standard aziendali.


Il coordinamento, tra le varie figure aziendali ha un ruolo primario in EDILDOVI, garantendo l’individuazione la gestione delle priorità, la fluidità delle attività e l’armonizzazione delle decisioni.


EDILDOVI impronta le sue attività ai principi della qualità sottoposti alle diverse certificazioni, le quali attestano l’applicazione ed il mantenimento di un eccellente sistema gestionale ed organizzativo.

Our main works throughout the Italian territory

A valuable team work that has been going on for over thirty years

Since its foundation, Edildovi has worked in
the construction and renovation industry dealing with civil and
industrial buildings, construction works and technological systems.
The company is a member of the Association of Neapolitan Building
Constructors (A.C.E.N.) and, therefore, is a member of the National Association of Building Constructors (A.N.C.E.).

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construction and renovation industry dealing with civil and industrial buildings

The management of work organization within EDILDOVI aims for the enhancement of professionalism and skills. All resources coordinate with each other in order to work towards high goals and standards.

It is a team that perfectly complement the technical and managerial staff made up of engineers, architects, surveyors, industrial experts and accountants.

Coordination, between different departments has a primary role. This allows us to set and manage priorities, to make workflow easy and to harmonize decisions.
Work organization is what allows a company to give value to its customers every day.

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